Duda Gantung Diri Diduga Stress Berat

Duda Gantung Diri Diduga Stress Berat

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Widower Hanged Himself Suspected of Severe Stress.

Gunung Putri-BogorBagus.com.

A middle-aged man with the initials R (62) having 5 children was found hanging himself at the door of his room, Friday (5/1/2017) at 6.10 WIB, having the address Cakung Village RT04/ RW06 Karanggan Village, Gunung Putri District, Bogor Regency.

Information obtained, the victim had a history of mental illness alias depression after being left by his wife and status as a widower.

The first victim was found by Ade (40), his son-in-law who was suspicious when he saw the room in the house where the lights usually went out at that time of the morning and had coffee with his family. Then Ade checked into his room and found the victim hanging.

“I suspect that you usually drink coffee with your family but this morning you didn’t leave your room,” said Ade.

“I then checked and at that time the electricity was still on in the room, and when I checked, my father was already hanging in the vent of the room door,” he explained sadly.

Meanwhile, Endang, the Head of Keranggan Village, when asked by the media crew, explained that his party had received reports that a resident had died by hanging and he and environmental officials went to the victim’s house.

“According to information from residents, the victim was found by his son-in-law at around 6:10 a.m. and then reported it to us, who then went to the Gunung Putri police station, which is handling this case. Regarding the victim, maybe his depression is recurring,” said the village head.Interested in becoming a holistic health coach? Check out this become a holistic health coach

Meanwhile, the Head of the Gunung Putri Police, AKP H. Niih Hadiwijaya when explaining, the family had offered the victim an autopsy but refused and accepted this incident as a disaster. “The family made a statement not to be autopsied and accept this fact sincerely,” he said.

When questioned, the victim’s family refused to be questioned by the media crew. And the victim’s family will soon be buried in a public cemetery not far from his house. (Red/yudhi-ZP)

Editors Team
Daisy Floren

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